Elite Investment is committed to the highest standards of corporate governance in all its activities and processes. The various businesses were entrusted to competent professionals from the industry.
Elite Investment’s disclosure norms are ahead of standards and are moving towards international practices. The boards of Group companies comprise eminent individuals from various disciplines.
Each board has an audit committee, where directors, management and auditors deal with matters relating to financial reporting obligations, internal controls, review of accounting policies, and management of financial risks. It monitors compliance with laws, regulations and its own code of business conduct. The shareholders / investors grievance committee handles redress of shareholder and investor complaints like transfer of shares, non-receipt of balance sheet, and non-receipt of declared dividends.
The remuneration and nomination committee recommends the salary (including annual increments, perquisites and commission / incentives) as well as retirement and other benefits to be paid to the company’s managing / whole time director (MD / WTD), other directors and senior management, within the overall ceiling fixed by the board. It also recommends appointments, reappointments and the tenure of office of executive and non-executive directors.
The management committee takes decisions about policies and other important issues concerning the management.
The whistleblower policy, introduced by the director HR and approved by the Elite Investment Corporate Board (EICB), strengthens the Elite Investment Corporate Governance Policy by providing employees and other stakeholders an independent and safe communication channel to raise serious concerns. The policy is being adopted separately by each company statutory board in the Group. The policy will cover all Elite Investment companies including associate companies and joint ventures. Its scope extends to employees, customers, suppliers and contractors. Each year all Group companies file a report on corporate governance, making all statutory disclosures.